CD Calculator

Use our comprehensive CD Calculator to estimate the growth of your Certificate of Deposit (CD) investment. Calculate interest, maturity value, and explore growth charts with ease.

CD Calculator

Enter the initial amount invested in the CD.
Enter the annual interest rate.
Enter the term length in years.
Select how often the interest is compounded.

CD Calculation Results

Initial Investment$0.00
Total Interest Earned$0.00
Maturity Value$0.00

Investment Growth Charts

This line chart shows the growth of the principal and interest over the investment term. The blue line represents the principal, and the red line represents the interest.

This bar chart breaks down the principal, interest, and maturity value after the investment term.

This pie chart displays the proportions of the initial principal and the total interest earned at maturity.

Yearly Growth Table

YearBalance at Year StartInterest EarnedBalance at Year End

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