Snow Day Forecast Calculator
Current Weather
Location | New York, US |
Temperature | N/A |
Weather | N/A |
Wind Speed | N/A |
2-Week Weather Forecast
Date | Temperature | Weather | Wind Speed | Snow Day |
Temperature Trend
2-Week Temperature Trend
This line chart displays the maximum and minimum temperatures over the next two weeks.
Snow Day Probability Calculator
Snow Day Probability
Location | New York |
Month | January |
Probability of Snow Day | 30% |
Snow Removal Cost
Area | 500 sq ft |
Snow Depth | 6 inches |
Equipment | Snow Blower |
Estimated Cost | $150.00 |
Impact Estimator
Number of Students | 300 |
Number of Staff | 50 |
Lost Hours per Person | 8 |
Total Lost Hours | 2,600 hours |